Fulton County Schools College and Career Academy
Culinary Arts
Fundamentals of Culinary Arts & Fundamentals of Culinary Careers and Career Planning
Chef Kimberly Rutherford
Office Hours: 2:50 p.m.-3:50 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
Course Objectives:
Fundamentals of Culinary Arts is a basic introductory class exploring safety, sanitation, basic cooking and baking techniques, as well as the culture of and behind food. With the completion of this course you will be able to gain an entry-level position in the foodservice branch of the hospitality industry.
Fundamentals of Culinary Careers and Career Planning is an intermediate class exploring safety, sanitation, intermediate cooking and baking techniques, as well as the culture of and behind food. Students will explore and execute restaurant and catering pricing and planning.
•Mise en place
•Basic cooking methods
•Accident prevention
•Proper food storage
•Prevention of food borne illness
•Basic food preparations
•Equipment ID, care and uses
•Knife ID, use and care
•Menu creation
•Basic nutrition
•Menu costing
•Sanitation and cleanliness
•Recipe terminology
•Interview techniques
•Customer service
•History and culture of foods
•Basic baking and pastry preparation
•Ingredient ID and tasting and techniques
Required Course Supplies:
(All assignments will be kept in your One Note Notebook and checked.)
Pens (Blue and Black)
(1) 3 Ring Binder (1”)
Slip Resistant Shoes
2 Pair of Houndstooth or Black Chef Pants
2 Plain White or Black T-Shirts
Plain Black or White shirt will be worn by students during class and virtual labs!! The only appropriate head wear for any student in the Culinary Arts Classroom/Virtual Lab are chef hats and hairnets. Headscarves and bonnets are not acceptable for Culinary Arts class or labs!
Food Safety and Sanitation Test (ServSafe)
Plain and simple, if clean and sanitary conditions are not followed it can mean sickness
or even death to others. To show mastery of safety and sanitation content, each student will be required to successfully pass the NRAEF Servsafe Test. Upon successful completion you will be able to present your certification to current or potential food service employees for hiring or increase in pay.
Quizzes & Tests
Periodic online quizzes featuring multiple choice, true/false, and matching will be given to assess the classroom lectures/PowerPoints/handouts.
Recipe Collection
Recipes will be uploaded to your One Note Notebook.
Foodborne Illness Project
You will be responsible for researching one of the most common foodborne illnesses. You will then create a Power Point, Sway poster board, skit, game, etc. along with an oral presentation to present to Chef and your class.
Formative Assessments -Assignments and Industry Performance Tasks
Summative Assessments 100%- Quizzes, Unit Tests & Mastery Assessments and Projects.
Participation, Attendance/Punctuality, Work Ethic, and Lab Work are vital to success in this class.
Absences, unpermitted talking during asynchronous or synchronous class time, cell phone use, poor work ethic, etc. will result in parent contact.
Late assignments/quizzes or make up assignments/quizzes are due three days after student return to class. If you want to discuss this on an individual basis, you may discuss with me during office hours.
Extra credit is available upon request as needed as is retaking of tests and quizzes for grade improvement.
Daily Classroom Procedures:
•Turn in any assignment on the due date.
•Be prepared for your instructions, demonstration or lab. Follow all instructions as your safety and grades depend on them.
•Be sure to keep a clean and safe workspace during labs. Failure to do so will result in a major deduction of points & suspended from some class activities.
Tentative Weekly Schedule in Culinary Arts:
Login promptly and begin bell ringer.
Always use the hand raise feature or the chat to communicate with me.
Mise en Place - Have everything in place! - Be ready!
Come to class prepared at all times, which means in uniform, pencil, paper, etc.
Store all electronics off and in your backpack that are not being used for class!!
Be here unless ill. (Remember you employers want to see a good attendance record!)!
Clean your workstation daily.
Keep a positive attitude! (Smile)
Treat yourself, fellow students, instructor, property and equipment with respect always.
Mind your language. Profanity is not acceptable!!
Rule Repercussions:
I have high expectations of you to follow all classroom and lab rules.
1. First warning. Your actions must cease immediately.
2. Written warning. Your behavior will be noted in Infinite Campus. If your behavior continues you will be given a deficiency and your parent will be contacted.
“This is my invariable advice to people: Learn how to cook- try new
recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all have fun!”
― Julia Child
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
— Winston Churchill
Culinary Arts Student and Parent Acknowledgment of Reading the Syllabus, Class
Rules & Policies
Parents and Student:
Please read the syllabus, sign this copy and return this page to me. I have read and understand the syllabus for Culinary Arts and agree to follow all procedures and rules.
Student Name__________________________________________________
Date: _________________Class Period: __________________
Student Signature__________________________________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature_______________________________________
Fulton County Schools College and Career Academy
Culinary Arts
Student Laboratory Safety & Sanitation Contract
Fundamentals of Culinary Arts & Fundamentals of Culinary Careers and Career Planning class requires hands-on learning in the Cooking Lab. Safety is the #1 priority for students, teachers and parents. To ensure a safe classroom/lab, a list of rules has been developed and provided to you in this contract. These safety measures must be adhered to and followed at all times. Please have this contract signed by September 8th, 2020. (Instructions for virtual signature will be provided.)
***During all at home labs, please be sure to have adult supervision. ***
To prevent fires and burns . . .
1. Only use salt or baking soda, not water, to put out a grease fire.
2. Keep flammable materials away from the top of the range and away from portable appliances that produce heat.
3. Use a dry potholder to remove pans from the stove and oven.
4. Store flammable substances such as aerosol sprays away from heat sources.
5. Keep pan handles turned inward on the range.
6. When removing a pan lid, tilt the lid away from you and do not hold your face directly over the pan.
7. When removing a pan from the oven, pull the rack out. Don’t reach into a hot oven.
8. Wear an oven mitt on each hand and use both hands to remove pans from the oven.
9. Check to be sure all appliances are turned off when you are finished with them.
10. Use a spoon or tongs, not your fingers, to remove food from hot liquid.
To prevent falls . . .
1. Wipe up all spills at once.
2. To reach items stored in high places, always use a sturdy step stool or ladder.
3. Close cabinet doors and drawers.
To prevent cuts . . .
1. Keep sharp knives sharp. They are less likely to cause an accident than dull ones. See teacher for the sharpener.
2. Use a cutting board.
3. Cut away from you with the knife blade slanted.
4. For peeling vegetables such as carrots or potatoes, use a peeler instead of a knife.
5. If a knife, kitchen scissors, or ice pick starts to fall, get out of the way. Do not try to catch it in mid-air.
6. Wash, dry and store knives in assigned drawer separately from other dishes and utensils.
7. Keep your fingers away from beaters and blades in appliances.
8. Use knives and other sharp tools only for their intended purpose.
9. Sweep up broken glass immediately. Notify teacher immediately.
10. Wrap your hand in a towel to pick up broken glass. Notify teacher immediately.
11. When opening cans, cut the lids completely off.
12. Don’t leave sharp knives in a sink full of water. Store outside the sink on the counter until ready to wash.
To prevent electric shock . . .
1. Listen to teacher instructions before using appliances.
2. Keep electrical cords away from water and hot objects.
3. Do not plug several cords into an electrical outlet at one time.
4. Unplug portable appliances after you have used them.
5. Disconnect appliances before cleaning them. Do not put them in water.
6. Before using an appliance, make sure your hands are dry and that you are standing on a dry surface.
7. Unplug appliances before bringing metal objects in contact with any working parts.
8. Plug the cord of portable appliances into the appliances first, then into the wall.
To prevent microwave accidents . . .
1. Never use a microwave if the door appears damaged.
2. Never turn on the microwave if there is no food inside.
3. Do not heat sealed jars, cans, or bottles in the microwave.
4. Use potholders to remove food containers from the microwave.
5. Remove lids and plastic wrap carefully to avoid steam burns.
6. Distribute the heat by stirring micro waved foods before serving them.
1. Place books, purses, and other personal items on the shelves provided outside the classroom. Small purses may be placed under your table for safe keeping.
2. Wear appropriate, clean clothing on lab days. No long, loose sleeves, sashes, and dangling jewelry.
3. It is recommended that you wear a clean apron or lab coat.
4. Pull hair back and secure it so that it stays away from your face and shoulders.
5. Chef hats or hair nets must be worn at all times in the kitchen.
6. Avoid working with food if you have an open wound on your hands. Ask the teacher for gloves.
7. Wash your hands with soap before beginning the lab. Dry your hands with single use disposable paper
8. While working with food, avoid touching your hair, skin, face, or other unclean objects.
9. Repeat hand washing when necessary - especially after coughing, sneezing, or using the restroom.
10. Be sure you have (1) clean dishtowel, (1) dishcloth before beginning the lab. Obtain additional clean items as they are needed but NOT in excess.
11. Wipe all counter tops and tables at the beginning and end of each lab.
12. Use hot, soapy water for washing dishes.
13. Wash and dry dishes, pans, and utensils as you use them.
14. When tasting foods, use a spoon other than the one used for stirring. Use a clean spoon for each person tasting and for each time food is tasted.
15. After working with raw animal foods, scrub all areas and utensils used with hot soapy water.
16. When possible use a kitchen tool, not your hands, to complete tasks.
17. Thoroughly cook foods to be served hot. Keep them hot until they are served.
18. Foods to be served cold should be kept cold until serving time.
19. Cover & Label leftover foods and store them in the refrigerator immediately.
20. Return all dirty dishcloths, towels and pot holders to designated laundry bin at the completion of the lab.
Parent & Student Information
Student Name: ______________________ Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________
Parent/Guardian Phone: _______________ Parent /Guardian Email: _____________________
Does the student have any food allergies and/or dietary restrictions? Please explain: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Agreement to Student Safety and Sanitation Contract
I, __________________________________________ have read and agree to follow all of the safety rules set forth in this contract. I realize that I must obey these rules to ensure my own safety, and that of my fellow students and instructors. I will fully cooperate with my instructor and fellow students to maintain a safe Cooking Lab environment. I will closely follow the oral and written instructions provided by the instructor. I am aware that violations of this safety contract that result in unsafe conduct in the lab or misbehavior on my part, may result in my being removed from the lab, receiving a failing grade for the days lab, disciplinary referral, and dismissal from the course. Thank you for your cooperation!
Student Signature & Date: _______________________________________
Course Name Class: _____________________________________________
Dear Parent or Guardian:
We feel that you should be informed regarding the school’s efforts to create and maintain a safe classroom and Cooking Lab environment. With the cooperation of the instructors, parents, and students, safety instructions can prevent, correct and eliminate potential hazards. Please be aware of the instructions that your son/daughter will receive before engaging in any Cooking Lab work. Please read the list of safety rules. No student will be permitted to participate in the labs until this contract is signed by both the student and the parent/guardian and is on file with the teacher. Your signature on this contract indicates that you have read this Student Safety Contract, and are aware of the measures taken to insure the safety of your son/daughter in the Cooking Laboratory, and will instruct your son/daughter to uphold their agreement to follow these rules and procedures. Thank you for your cooperation!
Parent/Guardian Signature & Date: __________________________________________